1. I basiclly fixed all the problems that I met yesterday and add links and attachments on the webquest. Although there are still problems, including the design effects are some different from the preview website.
2. The follwing steps that we need to do are designing our webquest's apperence and add more pictures, following the rubric of the webquest then fix our problems.
3.We need to make the reference page about the resources that we used on the apperence aspects.
Tuesday, April 12, 2011
Monday, April 11, 2011
Problems on Mon (11th April 2011)
1. All the styles and the sizes of the fronts should be the same!
2. Picture insert have some problems, I tried to use word to edit them then post them on the questgarnden.com, but it still didn't match what I want.
3. Mess page management but I don't know how to fix this problem;
4.We need more pictures!!!
2. Picture insert have some problems, I tried to use word to edit them then post them on the questgarnden.com, but it still didn't match what I want.
3. Mess page management but I don't know how to fix this problem;
4.We need more pictures!!!
Sunday, April 10, 2011
Conclusion -- Linlin
Congratulations! After finishing this project, you must have become a little expert of nuclear energy!
During this project, you have learned how nuclear reaction works and how it generates the electricity. Meanwhile, through the research, you know well the strength, weakness and risk of nuclear energy. You have formed your unique ideas whether we should use nuclear energy and master the skills to state your points and to persuade others. Further more, you apply the knowledge to our real life, making a wonderful action plan which aims to use nuclear power in a proper way.
However, there are some more important but invisible changes happening to you. You have improved your ability of collecting and analyzing information. You may enjoy your team work more than before. You have a better self-perception. Even you realize that you are a potential reporter, director, actor, debater or writer!
Though the project has finished, the nuclear issues in the world are still pressing and burning. Please continue your exploration in nuclear world! Hopefully, there will be a real nuclear expert among us in the future!
Teacher Page Introduction -- Mocha
Teacher Page
Teacher Page Introduction:
Nuclear Energy is a very controversial topic in the modern world, especially after the earthquake happened in Japan in 2011, nuclear energy and nuclear plant are the biggest problem in the world.
Due to the serious situation, we start the series classes: Know More about Nuclear Energy in the 8th grade. We design the learning and teaching processes of the four areas of the state standards: Environmental Education, Physics, Reading and Writing. Based on the standards, we created some proper and interesting learning processes for students, including reporting the news as a reporter, creating the videos, debate, action plans, response papers. These class tasks are designed in order to train students some specific areas of learning abilities under the state standards. For supporting these class activities, videos, power points and other multimedia resources are presented in this project.
In addition, we focus on students ‘team work sprites, communication skills and analysis of useful information.
After this project, we hope students can have a self-reflection for themselves in order to firm their knowledge in this project and have a good preparation for the next project.
Completed Edition of Student Page (Task and Process) -- Mocha & Linlin
Student Page:
1. Students need to cooperate with their teammates in order to create a 3-5 minutes’ video, which can present how nuclear reaction happens and how it generates the electricity.
2. Students need to have a debate, which theme is “Is nuclear energy beneficial for human or not?” The proposition need to do the research about the positive effects of nuclear energy and the opposition need to do the research about the negative impacts of nuclear energy.
3. Students in groups need to collaborate with their teammates in order to make an action plan about how to use nuclear energy in a proper way.
4. Student needs to write a reaction paper at the end of the project.
1. Introductory Activity:
Hello everyone. Now please imagine that you are a reporter in a local newspaper office. Your manager asks you to write a brief report of the nuclear disaster happening in Japan recently. Please collect information online then organize an objective report.
One: The report should cover these following questions:
1. When and where does the nuclear disaster happen?
2. What is the direct cause of this nuclear disaster?
3. What has Japanese government done to limit the damage?
Useful websites for searching news:
Searching news:
How to write a news report
Two: Learning directions: You can add some pictures in your report to make your readers have a more direct feeling of this disaster.
Three: During this project, you will finish all the tasks on blog. The teachers’ blog is “Mocha and Linlin’s wonderland”. (http://mochaswonderland.blogspot.com/)
You can post your report by replying the thread titled “Introductory Activity”. The deadline of giving your own ideas is 1st May 2011, but you can comment your classmates’ reports at anytime during the whole project.
Four: After finishing the report, please list all the questions you want to know about nuclear energy and post it on the title of the thread is “Questions to Nuclear Energy” on the blog. With the learning of this project, maybe you can answer some of your and your classmates’ questions. Please feel free to share your answers or discuss your ideas by replying the message.
Now we will begin the wonderful exploration of the most formidable and mysterious power in the world! Enjoy your adventure in nuclear world!
2. Learning Section One:
*Before our class, the teacher will separate the class into four groups. Each group should sign up a blog on the Blogger website: http://www.blogger.com/
The teacher will post all the four blogger links on blog “Mocha and Linlin’s wonderland”. (http://mochaswonderland.blogspot.com/)*
After being a professional reporter and experiencing the nuclear disaster in Japan, I am sure that you are very interested in nuclear energy. Now, let’s start to know more about how the most formidable and mysterious power in the world come from, in other words, how nuclear reaction works.
First of all, please click the link about a video that is about how nuclear reaction works.
(Website link: How nuclear reaction works (video)
Secondly, the teacher will give you a short presentation about how the nuclear reaction happens. (Lesson Plan Handout)
After knowing about how nuclear energy works and we are going to make a 3-5 minutes video with your teammates in order to present the process of nuclear energy happens.
Requirements: (Work Sheet 1)
After finishing the video, each group needs to post your masterwork on YouTube (http://www.youtube.com/). Then you need to post your video links on your blogs and the teacher’s blog. Meanwhile, you should watch other groups’ videos and give your feedback by replying the thread “LS One: Video Feedback” on each group’s blog.
3. Learning Section Two:
*Before our class, the teacher will separate the class into four groups.*
For knowing more about the nuclear energy, there is a debate “Is nuclear energy benefit for human or not?”
Two teams are in the proposition (also called “Affirmative” or “Aff”); the other teams are in the opposition (also called “Negative” or “Neg”);
The rules and the rubrics of the debate will be posted on the thread “Debate rules and rubrics” on the teacher’s blog.
Debate information: http://www.learnnc.org/lp/pages/636
The First Work Day:
The proposition groups and the opposition groups start to collect information about their supporting resources.
Effects of Nuclear Energy:
Debate about nuclear energy (video)
The Second Work Day:
Before the debate, these four teams will ballot the orders of their debate.
The first turns are Aff Team A VS Neg Team A. The other two teams will be the judges and fill in the rubric forms.
The second turns are Aff Team B VS Neg Team B. The other two teams will be the judges and fill in the rubric forms.
After the debates, the teacher and some volunteers from each group will calculate the results of the debates. Each group should post their resources during the debate on their bloggers.
(Requirement: “Mocha and Linlin’s wonderland”. http://mochaswonderland.blogspot.com/)
4. Learning Section Three:
*Before our class, the teacher will separate the class into four groups.*
After the debate, we are going to have another task, that is, work with your teammates to make an action plan about how to use nuclear energy in a proper way.
(Action Plan Temple: [attachment]
Action Plan Example:
Action plan (PDF)
When you finish the action plan, you need to post it on the title of the thread is “Action plan about nuclear energy” on your team blog, and need to evaluate other teams’ action plan.
(Requirement: “Mocha and Linlin’s wonderland”. http://mochaswonderland.blogspot.com/)
5. Ending Activity:
After learning about the nuclear energy, I am sure you gain a lot and you also have many thoughts about it. Please write a reaction paper about what you think are most important in this class.
Response Paper:
Guide, Rubric, Example:
(Work Sheet 4 below):
Response papers should be roughly 2-3 pages in length (double spaced, typed) and should explicitly address a posed question or theme, utilizing the readings and discussions from classes – Know More about Nuclear Energy. The response papers give you an opportunity to reflect on everything you done for this class and prepare for the following week of class, clarify your own thinking, and simply work on your own writing skills. Each paper will be given a grade of either a 4, 3, 2, 1, or 0, as follows:
Score | Evaluation |
1 | Paper was not totally completed with little summarizing or analyzing. |
2 | Paper was turned in, but with very minimal effort. You had a rough week. |
3 | Paper addressed the question, but not in depth and did not show as much reflection as was expected. It did not consider any readings that were assigned. |
4 | This paper summarizes the main points of the class and/or has a focused theme and is well presented. It is complete overall, although you may have been able to go into more depth or incorporate readings/discussions more. |
5 | This paper is excellent, not only analyzing the basic knowledge in this class, but also reflecting deeply about your own views and how they compare/contrast with readings/discussion. This paper is free of any major typo/grammar/spelling errors, and is especially easy and interesting to read. |
It is anticipated that letter grades will be assigned to mostly correspond to a 4.0 scale (i.e., A = 4, B = 3, etc.), but this may be reevaluated in light of the instructor’s general grading tendencies and student performance over the course.
Additional Links about Student Page -- Mocha
Effects of Nuclear Energy:
Response Paper:
Guide, Rubric,Example:
Links for students -- Linlin
Searching news:
How to write a news report
How nuclear reaction works (video)
How nuclear reaction works (context)
Debate about nuclear energy (video)
Action plan (PDF)
Rubric of learning section one -- Linlin
Rubric of learning section one
Content (30’)
Your video should answer the following questions:
Ø What is fission?
Ø Where does fission take place?
Ø What is the fuel of fission?
Ø What are the four main parts of a reactor?
Ø What are the functions of the four main parts?
Ø What is chain reaction?
Ø What are the two basic types of a nuclear power plants that generate electricity?
Teamwork (10’)
Every group should fill in the following form and post it on the blog.
The division of work | |
Time frame | |
The problems you have met during this section | |
The solutions you come up with | |
Self-evaluation of every team member | |
The personal feedback of this teamwork | |
Here are some useful teamwork skills. They may help you finish the task more effectively and efficiently!
Other (10’)
Ø Every group should also post your script of the video on the blog.
Ø The video should contain a voice-over, which explains the procedures of the nuclear reaction step by step.
Learners (version 2) -- Linlin
This webquest is designed for 8th grade students. Most of them are between thirteen and fourteen years old, depending on when their birthday occurs.
The Thirteen Year Old: Growth Patterns
• High physical energy
• Skin problems emerging; hygiene a key issue
• Girls: 95% of mature height in average girl; menstruating has begun for most
• Boys: voice change for many; growth spurt about a year behind girls
• Neatness a key issue with personal appearance, not with personal environment
• The mirror is their best friend and worst enemy
• Often quieter than 12's or 14's
• Like to be alone at home
• Feelings easily hurt and can easily hurt other's feelings
• Mean = scared
• Touchy; flaring anger
• Close friendships more obviously important to girls
• Boys hang in groups or formal gangs
• Girls more interested in older boys
• Strong sports interest in both genders
• Telephone, computer, video games and other electronic diversions a major factor
• Music becoming a major preoccupation
• Peer pressure increasing regarding dress, language, music, in-out, being cool
• Worries about school work
• Humor highlighted by growth of sarcasm
• Horseplay, practical jokes still high in boys
• Collections of things (jewelry, make-up, tapes)
• One word answers to adult questions (minimal feedback)
• Street language/peer language important
• Extreme language and volume in face of parental involvement
• Rudeness
• Withdrawn and sensitive nature is protective of developing self-concept and intellectual ideas that remain not fully formed
• Abstract reasoning and "formal operations" begin to be functional in some 13's
• Tentative approach to difficult intellectual tasks; not willing to take big learning risks
• Like to challenge intellectual as well as social authority
The Fourteen Year Old: Growth Patterns
• High energy continues
• Generally healthy age-pushes through illness in desire to participate with peers
• Loud
• Alcohol and drugs a major influence on physical well being
• Girls; full development nearly complete
• Boys; growth spurt continues
• Both; sexually active in increasing percentages
• Upper body strength beings to develop in boys
• High need for physical exercise and snacking
• Like to do as much as possible-cram as much into the day as they can
• More of their own adult personality evident
• Often embarrassed to be see with their parents; critical of parental dress, habits, friends, ideas
• Loud
• Especially don't like or respond well to adult lectures; feel that they know what is going to be said once a few words have been spoken; "know it all" stage
• Can be a pain at home and a star at school
• Peer language patterns of paramount importance, but learning to negotiate adult world as well
• Will engage more in a group discussion
• Interested in the meaning of words; developing a broader vocabulary
• Loud
• More abstract reasoning evident, especially in regard to cause and effect
• More willing to admit an error, revise their work or try something a second or third time
• Very aware of problems in larger world and generally still invested in finding solutions and participating in learning more
• Interested in technology and hot things work
• Learn well in cooperative groups
• Responds well to academic variety and challenge
• Easily "bored"'
In addition to the common characteristics of 8th grade students, the teacher still need to know your students’ learning styles, prior knowledge of nuclear energy and their expectations of course outcomes. In the introductory activity, students have posted all the questions they want know about nuclear on the blog, which is helpful for teachers to know about their expectations of course outcomes.
Resources: http://www.scolumbiasd.k12.pa.us/ms/robinsonpage/grade8.htm
Resources: http://www.scolumbiasd.k12.pa.us/ms/robinsonpage/grade8.htm
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