Saturday, April 9, 2011

Lesson Plan--Linlin

In recent years, the nuclear power is becoming the most important new energy source all over the world. The tremendous energy comes from the nuclear reaction. Now, let’s learn how the nuclear reaction works and how people control and transform the energy into electricity in nuclear power plant.

What Is Fission? Where Does It Take Place?
Uranium is an element that can be found in the crust of the Earth. This element, quite abundant in many areas of the world, is naturally radioactive. Certain isotopes of uranium can be used as fuel in a nuclear power plant. The uranium is formed into ceramic pellets about the size of the end of your finger. These pellets are inserted into long, vertical tubes (fuel rods) within the reactor. The reactor is the heart of the nuclear power plant. Basically, it is a machine that heats water.

A reactor has four main parts: the uranium fuel assemblies, the control rods, the coolant/moderator, and the pressure vessel. The fuel assemblies, control rods, and coolant/moderator make up what is known as the reactor core. The core is surrounded by the pressure vessel.

We also have to understand that uranium cannot just be thrown into a reactor the way we shovel coal into a furnace. The fuel rods, containing the uranium, are carefully bound together into fuel assemblies, each of which contains about 240 rods. The assemblies hold the rods apart so that when they are submerged into the reactor core, water can flow between them.
When the uranium atom splits, it releases energy and two or more neutrons from its nucleus. These neutrons can then hit the nuclei of other uranium atoms causing them to fission. The sequence of one fission triggering others, and those triggering still more, is called a chain reaction. When the atoms split, they release energy in the form of heat. The heat is transferred from the reactor core to the steam generator. Here, it's converted to high pressure steam which turns the turbine in the electric generator.

This next transparency shows the basic design of the nuclear fuel steam plant and its various components.

In the past few minutes I've introduced several new terms. Let me explain what each means in the energy generating process. First, control rods. What are they? How are they used?
The control rods slide up and down in between the fuel assemblies in the reactor core. They control or regulate the speed of the nuclear reaction by absorbing neutrons. Here's how it works: When the control rods absorb neutrons, fewer neutrons hit the uranium atoms thus slowing down the chain reaction.
On the other hand, when the core temperature goes down, the control rods are slowly lifted out of the core, and fewer neutrons are absorbed. Therefore, more neutrons are available to cause fission. This releases more heat energy.
Just as there are different types of houses and cars, there are different types of nuclear power plants that generate electricity. The two basic types being used in the United States are the boiling water reactor (BWR) and the pressurized water reactor (PWR). These power plants are often referred to as light water reactors.

Classroom activity
Pass out the diagrams of BWR and PWR. Students should label components of each type reactor during the discussion

Boiling Water Reactor (BWR)
The boiling water reactor operates in essentially the same way as a fossil fuel generating plant. Neither of these types of power plants have a steam generator. Instead, water in the BWR boils inside the pressure vessel and the steam water mixture is produced when very pure water (reactor coolant) moves upward through the core absorbing heat. The water boils and produces steam. When the steam rises to the top of the pressure vessel, water droplets are removed, the steam is sent to the turbine generator to turn the turbine.

Pressurized Water Reactor (PWR)
The pressurized water reactor differs from the BWR in that the steam to run the turbine is produced in a steam generator. Water boils at 212°F or 100°C. If a lid is tightly placed over a pot of boiling water (a pressure cooker), the pressure inside the pot will increase because the steam cannot escape. As the pressure increases, so does the temperature of the water in the pot. In the PWR plant, a pressurizer unit keeps the water that is flowing through the reactor vessel under very high pressure to prevent it from boiling. The hot water then flows into the steam generator where it is converted to steam. The steam passes through the turbine which produces electricity. About two-thirds of the reactor power plants in the U.S. are of the PWR type.


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