Sunday, April 10, 2011

Teacher Page Introduction -- Mocha

Teacher Page

Teacher Page Introduction:
Nuclear Energy is a very controversial topic in the modern world, especially after the earthquake happened in Japan in 2011, nuclear energy and nuclear plant are the biggest problem in the world.
Due to the serious situation, we start the series classes: Know More about Nuclear Energy in the 8th grade. We design the learning and teaching processes of the four areas of the state standards: Environmental Education, Physics, Reading and Writing. Based on the standards, we created some proper and interesting learning processes for students, including reporting the news as a reporter, creating the videos, debate, action plans, response papers. These class tasks are designed in order to train students some specific areas of learning abilities under the state standards. For supporting these class activities, videos, power points and other multimedia resources are presented in this project.
In addition, we focus on students ‘team work sprites, communication skills and analysis of useful information.
After this project, we hope students can have a self-reflection for themselves in order to firm their knowledge in this project and have a good preparation for the next project.

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